Відеозаписи доповідей ScalaUA
Опубліковани відеозаписи доповідей ScalaUA.
На жаль, з технічних причин, записалось не все. Ось індекс того, що є:
- Scala & Dotty current status, Dmitry Petrashko, EPFL
- Healthy Diet of Scala, Kfir Bloch, Wix.com.
- Fronted development with Scala.js, Otto Chrons, Microtask
- JScala + Play = Typesafe JavaScript Development, Alexander Nemish
- API First: Play + Swagger, Slava Schmidt, Scala Consultant
- Typelevel Scala, George Leontiev, SoundCloud Inc.
- A field guide to DSL Design, Tomer Gabel, Wix.com
- Rapture: A Stack for Scala built on Typesafety, Jon Pretty
- Autospecialization in Dotty, Dmitry Petrashko, EPFL
- Scala macros — swiss army knife for building libraries, Bartosz Bąbol;
- Scala-Offheap. Denis Shabalin
- Continuous machine learning in Scale with Scala, Olexander Nitavsky
- Audience counting at Scale, Boris Trofimov.
- Message-based communication patterns in distributed Akka applications, Andrii Lashchenko.
Lighting talks:
- SubScript: A Process Algebra extension progress and perspectives Anatoliy Kmetyuk,
- Accord: A sane validation library for Scala. Tomer Gabel.
- Java 8 and beyond - a Scala Story. Tomer Gabel.
- Event Sourcing. Daniel Coldham
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